Let’s Worship!
Welcome to the Hinsdale Seventh-day Adventist Church! We would love to have you join us every Sabbath at 10:50am for our divine service. You can also watch online through our Facebook page or YouTube Channel

Get Involved
At the Hinsdale Seventh-day Adventist Church we are so blessed to have different ministries you can be part of! Check out our highlighted ministries this month!
Pathfinder Registration
If your child would like to be a member of the Hinsdale Trailblazers Pathfinder club, please take a moment to complete the registration forms for club registration on August 19.
We are excited about what's happening just down the street at Hinsdale Adventist Academy, join them on March 6 for their annual academy visitors day!
Enrollment for the 2024-2025 school year is now open.
Adventurer Registration
Hinsdale Eagles Adventurer Club is now accepting applications for next year, click here to complete your application forms!